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Why Everyone Obsessed With SEO Glossary for Digital Marketing

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Why Everyone Obsessed With SEO Glossary for Digital Marketing

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SEO Glossary for Digital Marketing: 200+ Terms & Definitions You Need to Know

This SEO glossary digital marketing article gives more than 200 of the most common digital marketing terminology you are likely to hear during your SEO career.

Search engine optimization has its collection of terms, meanings, and abbreviations in every specialized field.

This SEO glossary contains over 200 of the most often used words you are likely to encounter and will undoubtedly need to know during your SEO career.

Why Everyone Obsessed With SEO Glossary for Digital Marketing

Above the Fold

Content that appears before the user scrolls down a website. Google created the Page Layout Algorithm in 2012 to penalize websites with an excessive number of advertisements in this space.

AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)

It is a style of programming that enables a website to send and retrieve data from a server to modify the page without reloading dynamically.


A sophisticated programming program that search engines use to retrieve data and return results responds to a query. Search engines offer ranked web pages using a results page via a mixture of algorithms focused on various ranking criteria and signals.

Algorithm Change

Certain algorithmic modifications go unnoticed entirely. However, the effect of a significant algorithmic shift is typically noticeable immediately, though the change can take several weeks to implement fully. Three types of algorithmic modifications exist:

Update to an Algorithm:

The search engine modifies those signals in an existing algorithm.

Refresh Algorithm:

The search engine re-runs an existing algorithm using the same signals as the last time.

Latest Algorithm:

The search engine incorporates a new algorithm to enhance the accuracy of its results. For instance, consider Google Panda and Google Penguin.

Alt Attribute

Alt Attribute HTML code contains details about the contents of an image used by search engines and screen readers (for blind and visually disabled people).


The science of gathering, processing, and evaluating data makes possible decisions based on what has worked (or hasn’t worked) in the past.

Anchor Text

Anchor Text is a link’s clickable words or phrases. This text is meant to educate people and search engines about the webpage or website they are linking. For starters, if you’re building a connection to direct your visitors to Search Engine Journal, the anchor text will be “Search Engine Journal.”

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

It is the study of programming machines to execute functions usually performed by humans. Rather than implementing a series of pre-programmed rules (as an algorithm does), an AI computer system functions as a self-learning artificial brain. Additionally, AI can make and execute decisions independently of human interference.


The set of signals that search engines use to rate websites and webpages.


B2B is an abbreviation for business-to-business. B2B SEO has a longer purchasing time, more costly goods and services, and a target demographic of specialist decision-makers.


B2C is an acronym for business-to-consumer. In B2C SEO, the purchasing time is usually shorter (though it varies by industry), goods and services are (generally) less expensive, and customers are the target group.


A backlink is essentially a link between two websites. Google and other search engines use backlinks as a rating signal that indicates that the material on the other website is notable when one website links to another. High-quality backlinks will aid in the improvement of a site’s ranking and popularity in search engine results (SEO).

Baidu (Internet search engine)

Baidu, the country’s most popular search engine, was created in January 2000 by Robin Li and Eric Xu.


Microsoft’s search engine is known as Bing. Bing began operations in June 2009, succeeding Microsoft Live Quest (previously MSN Search and Windows Live Search). Since 2010, Bing has driven Yahoo’s organic search results due to a search agreement in July 2009 between Microsoft and Yahoo.

Black Box

A difficult-to-understand programming software. Although the inputs and outputs are visible, the procedure itself is not accessible due to its existence. For instance, Google’s algorithm is a mystery.

Black Hat

Tactics that are risky and in violation of Google’s Webmaster Guidelines.


A collection of content that is arranged chronologically, with the most recent content at the end. Personal or corporate interests are reflected in the material, which can be published by an author or a collective of contributors. Initially, blogs were referred to as online logs or weblogs. However, since the word “internet log” may also refer to a server’s log files, the term was ambiguous. To stop this misunderstanding, the abbreviation “blog” was coined and quickly became the standard expression.

Bounce Rate

The number of website users who abandon the site without viewing any post. Bounce concentrations vary significantly by market and niche. While bounce rate may suggest possible content or website problems, Google states that it is not a direct ranking factor.


Crawler, Googlebot are examples of snails.

Branded Keyword

A user’s question contains an exact match or a variant of a specific business or brand name. Several examples of advertised keywords include “Digital Vishnu”, and “,”.


A navigational feature that enables users to determine their location inside a website quickly.

Broken Link

A hyperlink that directs to a 404 not found page. Typically, a bond is disrupted when one of the following occurs:

  • A page becomes inaccessible.
  • Without introducing a redirect, a website is deleted.
  • Without executing a redirect, the destination URL is modified.


It is a technique for temporarily storing web content, such as images, to speed up subsequent page loads.

Cached Page

A snapshot of a website as it looked when a search engine last crawled it.
Canonical URL
Different URLs contain the exact or identical content. An HTML code feature defines a preferred website URL to avoid duplicate content.


A country identifier denotes a top-level domain. For example, a business headquartered in India will use the domain, wherein is the country code top-level domain.

Click Bait

Content is created with the goal of enticing readers to click, usually by overpromising or being purposefully dishonest in headlines, for publishers to earn advertising revenue.

Click-Through Rate (CTR)

The pace at which users click on an organic search result (expressed as a percentage). The total number of organic clicks is determined by adding the total number of impressions by the total number of organic clicks and multiplying by 100.


Individuals and search engines are shown different content or URLs. This is an infringement of Google’s Webmaster Guidelines.


CMS means content management system. A web-based platform for the development, uploading, and management of digital content.

Comment Spam

Spambots post poorly written comments that are often off-topic and self-promotional in the hope of obtaining a free (but essentially worthless) connection.


There are two distinct categories of competition:

Direct Competitors: Businesses that offer comparable goods and services, meet similar demands, and market to a similar audience online and offline.
SEO Competitors: Businesses that compete for the exact keywords and organic search exposure but have differentiated products or services that cater to distinct demands and target markets.


Combining words, photographs, animations, or sounds (or any combination thereof) communicates material intended for distribution to and use by an audience.
One of the two most significant variables in Google’s ranking algorithm (along with links). Search engines want to reward meaningful, insightful, important, authentic, creative, and engaging with increased traffic and popularity.

Content is King

A term often used by conference speakers and contributors to effective SEO (and digital marketing) journals. In this case, “content is king” typically refers to the fact that content is essential for SEO, digital media, and business success.
This term originates from a Bill Gates essay titled “Content is King,” which was released on January 3, 1996.


When a customer successfully operates on a website, Conversions include the following:

  • We are concluding a transaction.
  • We are creating a shopping cart.
  • She is completing a form (request a sample, register for a webinar/event, for example).
  • Downloading subscription-based content (e.g., ebook, whitepaper).
  • You are subscribing to a newsletter by email.
    Views of video.

Conversion Rate

The pace at which website users complete a desired action (expressed as a percentage). This is determined by dividing the total number of conversions by the total amount of traffic and multiplying by one hundred.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

The method of increasing the quantity and efficiency of conversions on a website. Testing improvements to website design, copy, photos, price, call-to-action, and messaging are common CRO tactics.


The degree to which two or more elements are related. Due to the black-box nature of algorithms, it is often used in SEO research to conclude relationships between variables affecting search rankings. Bear in mind. However, the association does not imply causation.

Crawl Budget

The cumulative number of URLs on a website that search engines can and want to crawl over a specified period.

Crawl Error

  • URLs that are not crawlable by a search engine bot.
  • URLs that return an error message.


A web crawling software that search engines use to index the web. Bots crawl websites to gather data and add or refresh a search engine’s database.
Also known as a bot, spider, or web crawler.


The method of extracting data from billions of public webpages using a crawler to update, include, and arrange webpages in a search engine’s database.


Cascading Style Sheets define how HTML elements (for example, color and fonts) can appear on web pages and adjust to various user types.

Customer Journey

Each possible moment (or touchpoint) at which a prospect is attracted to or interacts with a brand. These encounters aim to persuade, influence, and convert the potential into a buyer, client, or subscriber.
Though consumer journeys differ significantly by company style and market, they are usually divided into four distinct “stages”:

Recognize > Consider > Decide > Retain
Avinash Kaushik of Google proposes an alternate framework:

Consider > Consider > Act > Take Care

Additionally, referred to as the Purchasing Process, the Consumer Decision Journey, the Customer Journey to Online Purchase, the Marketing Funnel, the Path to Purchase, and the Purchase Funnel.


All the complex numbers that serve actual consumers – the who, when, where, where, why, and how – are required to make educated SEO strategy and tactical decisions.

Dead-End Page

A tab that has no links to other sites. As the name implies, if a user or bot lands on this page, there is no way to proceed.

Deep Link

A hyperlink that points to a website other than the homepage.
A hyperlink is referring to the content contained within a smartphone application.


When Google briefly or permanently excludes a website or webpage from its search results, more precisely from its search index. Google has the Remove URLs feature in the Search Console for voluntary removals; however, a website can also be de-indexed due to a manual action taken against it for breaching Google’s Webmaster Guidelines.
Additionally known as Delisting.


A directory of websites, usually organized by category and managed by human editors. Depending on the guide, incorporation can be complimentary or fee-based. Historically, links from directories (e.g., DMOZ) were highly prized, resulting in systematic misuse and a general devaluation of this form of connection construction.

Also known as Web Directory or a Connection Directory.


Suppose your connection profile has a high amount of spammy, artificial, or low-quality inbound links that could be hurting your rankings – and you lack the right to delete them for a reasonable cause (e.g., the association is on a platform over which you have little control). In that case, you may use Google’s Disavow Feature to notify Google to disregard certain links.


The Project for an Open Directory. This manually updated directory of websites began on June 5, 1998, and ended on March 17, 2017.


A link that is not marked with the “nofollow” attribute. In other terms, a connection.


A domain address – usually terminating in, .org, suffix. For instance, this website’s domain is

Domain Authority

The cumulative “power” of a website over time and can assist a new page in ranking well quickly, even before the material has won links or interaction.
A number between 0 and 100 that SEO software company Moz uses to forecast a website’s ability to rank in search results.
Recommended reading:
The Three SEO Pillars: Authority, Relevance, and Trust

Doorway Page

Doorway Pages are created solely to rank in search engines for unique keywords and redirect users who click on them to another website.


It was created on September 28, 2008, as a search engine. It is often lauded for its strong emphasis on consumer privacy and the removal of filter bubbles (search personalization). DuckDuckGo’s search results are derived from over 400 websites, including vertical search engines, the company’s crawler, DuckDuckBot, Bing, and Yandex. In 2016, DuckDuckGo processed 4 billion searches.

Duplicate Content

A substantial portion of the content on one page matches or is strikingly close to content on another page on the same website or an entirely different website.

Dwell Time

Dwell Time is the time interval between a user clicking on a search result and returning to the SERP from another page. Search engines can interpret a brief dwell time (less than 5 seconds) as indicating low-quality content.


The purchasing and sale of goods are entirely online.

Editorial Link

A hyperlink is a piece of information provided from one website to another without the user requesting or paying for it.
Additionally known as Natural Connection.

Engagement Metrics

Methods for determining how people communicate with websites and their content. Engagement metrics include the following:

  • Level of click-through
  • Level of conversion
  • Level of reversal
  • Time spent on the page/site
  • New visitors and those who are returning
  • Frequency and recent occurrences
  • Entities that reside for an extended period
  • Individuals, locations, organizations, blogs, gatherings, groups, and other information.
    Additionally, see Information Graph.

External Link

External Link is Also known as an Outbound Link.

Featured Snippet

Google also displays a particular block above the organic search results for such keywords, mostly questions (Example: who/what/where/when/why/how). This box includes a synopsis (in the form of a text, list, table, or video), the publication date, the title of the page, a link to the website from which the response came, and the URL.

Additionally referred to as Position Zero.


The ease with which a website’s content can be found, both internally (by users) and externally (by search engines) (by search engines).

Footer Link

Links that exist in a website’s bottom segment (or “footer”).


Google search engine was created by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in September 1998. Google represented a sea change from human-edited web repositories, based on web-crawling technologies and a sophisticated algorithm to study hyperlinking trends and rate websites.

Google Analytics

A free web analytics software for tracking audience activity, traffic sources, and content results, among other things.

Google Bomb

A technique used to ensure that a website ranks first for a shocking or contentious search term. This was achieved by obtaining a vast number of websites to refer to a single webpage using specific anchor text to boost its ranking for that keyword. For instance, President George W. Bush’s White House biography ranked first in a 2003 Google search for “miserable loss.”


Google’s web crawling system for discovering and indexing new websites and web pages.

Google Dance

A word coined in 2002 to describe the turbulent period during which Google revised its search index on an approximately monthly basis.

Google Hummingbird

A Google search algorithm was publicly announced in September 2013 after a month of testing. Hummingbird’s goal was to understand the entire meaning of queries (i.e., contextual search), rather than only specific keywords, to have more relevant performance.

Google Panda Algorithm

A significant Google algorithm upgrade began in February 2011 and was accompanied by a series of subsequent updates. Google Panda’s objective was to reduce the exposure of low-quality material, which was often produced by “content farms.” Panda was integrated into Google’s central ranking algorithm in 2016.

Google Penguin Algorithm

It is a significant Google algorithm released in April 2012 and has since been updated and refreshed many times. Penguin’s objective was to reduce the exposure of heavily programmed pages or exploit such spammy techniques extensively (e.g., building low-quality links, keyword stuffing). In 2016, Penguin became a real-time component of Google’s core algorithm.

Google Pigeon Update

The name (awarded by the SEO industry, not Google) granted a major Google local search update that began on July 24, 2014. Pigeon’s objective was to increase the precision and validity of local searches by leveraging additional conventional Google ranking signals and optimizing distance and location ranking parameters.

Google Rank Brain

A significant Google algorithm update was publicly implemented in October 2015, after months of experimentation. Google applied machine learning to its algorithm with Rank Brain, dubbed the third most influential ranking signal. In June 2016, it was discovered that Rank Brain is interested in any question and influences rankings.

Google Sandbox

A theorized and debated (but never shown by Google) “waiting period” during which newly optimized websites do not enjoy the full benefits of their efforts. Typically, this effect is more noticeable on new sites targeting competitive keywords and can be reversed only when the platform acquires more authority.

Google Search Console

Google’s Search Console has several useful tools, such as the ability to check for indexing errors and site speed. Additionally, these sites serve as a means of communicating manual action alerts.

Google Trends

A dashboard where you can see data visualizations related to the current search patterns, news, and topics.

Google Webmaster Guidelines

Google’s recommendations on best practices in website optimization and “illicit” practices could result in manual intervention. Put:

Create websites and web pages that are original, valuable, and entertaining for people, not search engines.
Avoid tricks and strategies that are designed to confuse consumers and are sole to improve search rankings.

Gray Hat

A fictitious “grey” field between strategies that conform to Google’s Webmaster Guidelines but include an aspect that deviates somewhat from the rules.

Guest Blogging

A widely used link-building technique entails creating material for other websites in return for a backlink to your pages.


Heading tags (H1-H6) categorize material by value, with H1 being the most important and H6 the least essential tag. All the Headline tags should be used naturally and should provide the goal keywords wherever possible, as this can have a minor SEO advantage.


This is an H1 suffix.

Head Term

A standard search term with a large number of searches is typically difficult to rank for.

Additionally referred to as Head Keyword, Short-Tail.

Hidden Text

Any text that is not visible to the user is meant to exploit search rankings by stuffing web pages with keyword- and copy-rich content. This strategy violates Google’s Webmaster Guidelines and will result in manual action being taken against you. For instance, inserting text that is: Unreadable.
The backdrop color is the same as the foreground.
CSS is used to move the text of the page.
Algorithm of the Hilltop
Hilltop assigned “expert” status to those blogs or web pages written on a particular subject that often relate to unaffiliated pages on that topic. This was influenced by the HITS Algorithm, which was applied to Google’s algorithm in 2003.

HITS Algorithm (Hyperlink-Induced Topic Search)

It is a type of link analysis algorithm that values a page not only for its content and inbound links (authorities) but also for its outbound links (hubs).


A website’s default, or introduction, tab.

.htaccess File

A file that can be used to rewrite and redirect URLs on the server.


Hypertext Markup Language is an abbreviation for Hypertext Markup Language. HTML tags are particular types of code that can increase search engine optimization efficiency for web pages and websites.


The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is the protocol used to transfer data between a network server and a web browser.


Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTPS) encrypts data shared between a website and a web server using a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). HTTPS is a minor ranking consideration in Google.

Hub Page

An authoritative core resource (e.g., website or article) devoted to a single subject (keyword) that is constantly updated and linked to, as well as linking out to other topic-related webpages.

Inbound Link

A hypertext connection to a webpage that originates from another website. For instance, if Search Engine Journal links to Google, that counts as an inbound link on Google’s end; if Google links to Digital Vishnu, that counts as an inbound link on Digital Vishnu’s end.


Server search engines are used to store and retrieve data collected during the crawling process.


How well a search engine bot can comprehend and index a webpage.

Indexed Page

A crawler-discovered website is added to a search engine’s database and is thus entitled to search results with related queries.

Information Architecture

The organization of a website and the placement of different information and navigational features on its pages.

Information Retrieval

The method of extracting information (e.g., text, photographs, and video) from a vast archive and then delivering it to an end-user in the most appropriate way.

Internal Link

Consider the following: Website Navigation

IP Address

A protocol address for the Internet. IP addresses can take the following forms:

Numerous websites share a single IP address or a set of IP addresses on a single server or a group of servers.
A website is dedicated because it has its own URL.
Neither can help you improve your ranking; however, a dedicated IP address will speed up your site.

JavaScript Script (JS)

A programming language enables the interactive addition of text, links, metadata, and other website elements. JavaScript can make it more difficult for search engine bots to crawl and index web pages and lengthen the time it takes for users to load a web page.


The name, phrases, or phrases that an SEO professional or marketer targets to balance and rate with the search terms entered by users. When a searcher enters a message, the words used on a website will assist search engines in determining which pages are the most important to include in organic results. Typically, keywords refer to subjects, concepts, or questions.

They are additionally defined as Key phrases.

Keyword Cannibalization

Self-competition happens as several pages from the same website rate on the SERPs for the same question. This will result in a lower click-through rate, reduced authority, and lower conversion rates than getting a single well-ranked centralized website.

Keyword Density

The frequency at which a word or expression appears in the text of a website. At all, this unproven principle remains irrelevant to search engines, whether it ever was. There is no optimal percentage that will boost a website’s ranking.

Keyword Research

The method of identifying all related themes, subjects, and keywords that search engines return and the volume and level of competition for those words. Several free and paying resources allow this activity.

Keyword Stuffing

We are adding obsolete keywords or excessively repeated keywords to a website with the expectation of improving search rankings. This spamming technique violates Google’s Webmaster Guidelines and can result in manual action being taken against you.

Knowledge Graph

Google uses a directory of organizations to surface statistics and information about individuals, locations, and objects (acronyms for entities) – and their relations – in a Knowledge Panel or carousel at the top of related search results.

Knowledge Panel

A box that appears at the top of page 1 of Google’s search results for related keywords or on the right rail (desktop only). This panel includes information and statistics about people, locations, and objects and links to relevant websites or Google searches.


KPI is an abbreviation for a key performance indicator. A metric used by companies to determine whether or not marketing and company priorities, targets, and goals are being accomplished.

Landing Page

Any website that a tourist can access with a hyperlink.
A standalone webpage dedicated to capturing leads or converting visitors.

Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI)

A technique for retrieving information that assists search engines in determining the proper meaning for a name. LSI is no longer useful in SEO.


A potential customer or client may or may not be involved in your product(s) and/or service (s). A lead voluntarily shares their email address (and usually other personal or contact information) with the website in return for something they find valuable.


A connection between two HTML-based websites. A connect allows users to access blogs, social media platforms, and mobile applications. Links are important in search engines’ evaluation and ranking of websites.
They are additionally defined as Backlink.

Link Bait

Provocative material was created with the intent of capturing people’s interest and attracting comparisons from other websites.

Link Building

A mechanism for obtaining links from other reputable and related websites to aid in improving your organic search rank and exposure. Link building can be accomplished in the following ways:

  • Outreach to news organizations, bloggers, influencers, and web admins.
  • We are obtaining editorial ties organically by the publication of a variety of high-quality or dramatic material.
  • We were purchasing them. For instance, you can acquire links through sponsored content, paid ratings, or by purchasing a certain form of connection from another website.
  • We are forming alliances.
  • You used manual labor. For example, you can link different assets that you maintain or own or submit your website to online directories or review pages.

Link Equity

The importance, legitimacy, and trustworthiness of inbound ties.

Link Farm

Where a set of websites link to one another, usually via automatic systems, in the expectation of falsely increasing search rankings, this is a spam trick.

Additionally referred to as a link network, blog network, or private blog network.

Link Juice

This is a word that you can never use in person or on the internet.

Are you referring to…: authority or PageRank?

Link Profile

Each form of connection leads to a specific website. The content of a website’s link profile varies significantly based on how the links were obtained and the anchor text used.

Link Velocity

The rate at which a website accumulates links (or how slowly it accumulates links). A rapid rise in connection velocity may be a symptom of spamming, or it could be the result of viral marketing or other newsworthy activity (either intentionally or unintentionally).

Log File

A file that stores information about users, including their IP addresses, browser type, Internet Service Provider (ISP), date/time stamp, referring/exit links, and several clicks.

Log File Analysis

The method of examining the data stored in a log file to detect patterns, manage the site, monitor users’ movements around the site, collect demographic information, and better understand how search bots crawl the website.

Long-Tail Keyword

Multiple-word words with a high degree of specificity often indicate a higher level of purchasing intent.
Less competitive keywords with a low search volume are usually easier to rate.

Machine Learning

It is a branch of Artificial Intelligence in which a machine learns and adjusts a dynamic mechanism without human interference by using data.

Manual Action

Manual action is a word used by Google to refer to a punishment. Google may take manual action against any particular website after a manual inspection by a human reviewer (i.e., a Google employee) to determine if the website has violated Google’s Webmaster guidelines. Websites that have been penalized may be demoted or completely deleted from search results. Manual activities may be evaluated through the entire website or on specific sites.

Meta Description

A meta description is a tag that can be attached to an HTML document’s “head” section. It serves as a summary of the content of a webpage. This material is not included in ranking algorithms but is often viewed as a “snippet” in search results. Accurate and compelling explanations will significantly boost organic click-through rates.

Meta Keywords

Meta Keyword is a tag that can be attached to an HTML document’s “head” section. Adding a slew of keywords here would not help you rank – search engine algorithms have been ignoring this tag for years due to harassment (in the form of keyword stuffing).

Meta Tags

Information is used in the HTML source code of a website to help search engines understand its contents. The title tag and meta summary are the two most often used meta tags in search engine optimization.


A method for evaluating the operation and results of an SEO initiative determines its effectiveness (or lack thereof).

Natural Link

Observe the Editorial Link

Negative SEO

An uncommon yet unethical phenomenon in which webspam tactics are used to damage another website’s search results, usually a competitor’s.


A niche market or field of concern is comprised of a limited number of extremely passionate individuals.

No archive Tag

No archive tag is a meta tag that instructs search engines not to cache your page.

No follow Attribute

A meta tag that instructs search engines to ignore a particular outbound source. This is achieved where a website does not want to delegate power to another webpage or where the connection is a paying one. The no-follow attribute is as follows: Anchor text is located here.

No index Tag

A meta tag that instructs search engines to exclude a particular webpage from their database.

No snippet Tag

A meta tag that instructs search engines to omit the listing’s summary from their results.“(not supplied)”
Since search engines transitioned to safe search in 2011, Google Analytics deleted keyword data. It replaced it with “(not provided)” – making it difficult to determine which queries resulted in visitors finding a website.

Off-Page SEO

Outside of a forum, demand creation, and market recognition events. Along with link building, promotion strategies can include social media marketing, content marketing, email marketing, influencer marketing, and even traditional offline marketing platforms (e.g., TV, radio, billboards).

On-Page SEO

Many of these events take place on a website. Along with publishing appropriate, high-quality material, on-page SEO entails optimizing HTML code (title tags and meta tags), information design, website navigation, and URL layout.

Organic Search

The organic or unpaid listings that appear on a search engine results page. Organic search results are evaluated and graded by algorithms to provide users with the most appropriate results for their questions.

Orphan Page

Any page on a website that is not connected to by any other page.

Outbound Link (External Link)

A connection that takes users to another website than the one they are actually visiting.


According to Google, “PageRank is a metric used by Google to determine the value of a page dependent on the number of inbound connections from other pages.” In simple terms, each connection from another site to a page on your site increases your site’s PageRank. Not all hyperlinks are created equal.” The algorithm is named after Larry Page, a co-founder of Google.

Page Speed

The time required for a website to fully load. The pace of a page is a ranking consideration.


A tab loads a website.

Paid Search

Pay-per-click ads that appear above (and sometimes beneath) organic search engine results.


The term “Private Blog Network” refers to a network of private blogs.
Observe the Connection Farm.


A file format called Portable Document Format is a type of file. PDF documents can include text, images, hyperlinks, and videos, among other items.


Refer to Manual Action.


A fictionalized portrayal of an ideal website user or consumer, complete with their demographics, behavior, desires, motives, and ambitions – all based on real data.

Additionally referred to as Buyer Persona, Marketing Persona.


When search engines analyze a user’s search history, web browsing history, location, and relationships to provide a series of search results customized to that user.


The Hypertext Preprocessor (HTTP) is a programming language used to generate interactive content for websites.


Search engines seek to penalize content that violates copyright by lowering the organic search scores. In 2012, Google implemented a filter that limits the exposure of websites that have received multiple DMCA-related removal requests.


When a searcher cycles back and forth between a SERP and the pages mentioned in such search results after making a question.
Additionally, see: Dwell period.


Position means webpage Rank.

PPC (Pay Per Click)

Advertisers are paid a fee (typically determined by bid, validity, account history, and competition) each time a user clicks on an ad. When PPC and SEO are combined, more SERP real estate, taps, and conversions are possible. Additionally, PPC data will advise your SEO approach and vice versa.


Stands for query deserves freshness, in which a search engine may want to display more recent pages in search results (rather than older pages) if a specific search word is trending, possibly as a result of a news story.

Quality Content

Content that assists you in achieving your marketplace or marketing objectives (e.g., and organic visits or media shares, achieving top search rankings, producing leads/sales).

Quality Link

An inbound connection that originates from a reputable, authoritative, or trustworthy website.


The name, phrases, or phrases entered into a search engine by a user.
Additionally known as A quest.


The position of a website inside the organic search results for a particular question.

Ranking Factor

An aspect that contributes to a complex sequence of algorithms determines the order in which web pages can appear in organic search results for a particular query. Google has stated for years that its algorithms “focus on over 200 unique signals” to assist users in locating the most appropriate webpage or response.
Additionally referred to as Ranking Signal.

Reciprocal Links

As two websites plan to share connections, this is referred to as connection exchange.


A strategy that redirects a user (or search engine) to a separate (but similarly relevant) website after requested. Redirects are classified into two types:
301.1: Permanent 302: Transitional


The URL data indicates the origin of a user’s website search.


The method of requesting a search engine to re-index a website or webpage(s) after de-indexing.


A metric used by search engines to determine how closely related a website’s content is to the meaning of a search query.

Reputation Management

The art of mitigating the visibility of derogatory mentions of a brand or individual online – both in search results and on social media.
Additionally referred to as Online Reputation Management (ORM), Public Relations (PR).

Responsive Website

A website that dynamically adjusts to the size of the user’s browser, regardless of whether the user is using a desktop or mobile computer.

Rich Snippet

Structured data can be applied to a website’s HTML to give the background to search engines during crawling. This detail will then be shown in the search engine results pages (SERPs), resulting in an enriched listing dubbed a rich snippet.


The Robots. TXT (or Standard) is a text file located in the root directory of a website that instructs search engine crawlers which areas of the website to avoid.

Return on Investment (ROI)

A metric for evaluating the effectiveness of SEO operations. This is determined by dividing the revenue generated by organic search by the overall expenditure expense and multiplying by 100.


As this form of microdata is added to a page, it results in an enriched description (commonly referred to as a rich snippet) that appears in search results.


A technique that utilizes a computer program or script to copy website material or facts. Search engines such as Google scrape data from websites to create a searchable database.
Additionally referred to as web scraping.

Search Engine

Programming software that allows users to enter a database to retrieve information (e.g., files, websites, or webpages) from the archive maintained by the application (i.e., a web search engine, such as Google). A crawler is used to build and refresh a search database, with objects analyzed and ranked using a sequence of algorithms.
Additionally, consult Baidu, Bing, DuckDuckGo, Google, Yahoo, and Yandex.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

A broad word refers to all practices aimed at improving a website’s popularity in search engine results pages, including paid and organic search engine optimization.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

The method of optimizing a website, including all of its content, appears prominently in search engines’ organic results. SEO needs an understanding of how search engines operate, the terms users use to find information (i.e., keywords and key phrases), and why people search (intent). Effective SEO enhances the appeal of a website to both consumers and search engines. It is a blend of technological (on-page SEO) and marketing efforts (off-page SEO).

Search Engine Results Page (SERP)

After performing a search, search engines show the results to users. Typically, search engines show approximately ten organic search results that are categorized according to relevance. Other search functionality, depending on the query, can be shown, including:

AdWords Advertisements (above and below the organic search results)
Snippets of interest (a.k.a., Position Zero)
Panels of experts
Packet Local (with map)
News-related inquiries
Contextual searches
Shopping outcomes
Hypertext links
Twitter Messages
Video clips
Additionally referred to as SERPs, when referring to a set of search engine data pages.

Search History

Search engines log every search that users perform (text and voice), every website that users access, and every advertisement that users click on. Search engines can use this information to tailor searches for logged-in users.
Additionally referred to as Web Browsing History.

Share of Voice

The number of impressions a brand gets in the SERPs for particular search terms compared to the average number of impressions received by the brand’s rivals for those same search terms.


Up to six algorithmically selected links appear under the listing for the same website in a top-ranking organic search result. Inside the Search Console or Bing Webmaster Tools, pages may be excluded from appearing as site links.


A catalog of a website’s websites. Sitemaps are classified into two types:
This form of sitemap, which is usually arranged by subject, assists site visitors in navigating a website.
XML: This sitemap format provides crawlers with a list of a website’s sites.

Sitewide Links

A connect that appears on any page of a website, usually in the sidebar or footer of blogs or template-based websites.

Social Media

Platforms (websites and mobile applications) enable users to connect and build, distribute, and consume content.

Social Signal

Any indicator of authority and popularity on prominent social networking platforms. For instance, the social power of a Twitter user.
Though several correlation analyses show that social signals (e.g., the amount of Likes/shares a piece of content receives) affect rankings, Google has publicly declared that social signals are not a ranking factor. Popular websites with a high level of social media interaction usually rate well for a variety of reasons.


When used about email, the term “Spam” refers to “Unsolicited Bulk Email.” Unsolicited implies that the Recipient has not given verifiable consent for the letter to be delivered. Bulk messaging refers to transmitting a message as part of a more comprehensive set of statements that all contain substantially similar material.


A search engine spider, alternatively referred to as a web crawler, is an Internet bot that crawls websites and saves data for indexing by the search engine. Consider the following. When you do a Google search, specific pages and pages of results do not appear out of thin air.

Split Testing

A randomized experiment in which at least two web pages are compared to determine the influence of a particular variable on conversions. After displaying the pages to site users for an extended period, sufficient performance data can be gathered to name a “winner.”
Additionally referred to as A/B Testing.

SSL Certificate

SSL Certificates are digital certificates that are used to verify the legitimacy of a website, and it helps to encrypt data sent to the server using Secure Sockets Layer technology.

Status Codes

A server sends response codes when a link is clicked, a website or file is requested, or a form is sent. The following HTTP status codes are critical for SEO:

201 (OK)
405 (Not Found)
411 (Gone)
501 (Internal Service Error)
501 (Service Unavailable)

Stop Word

A term that is widely used. For instance, a, at, for, is, of, and on. Historically, search engines avoided these terms to conserve time/resources while indexing. Search engines have advanced significantly since their inception, and stop periods can sometimes be meaningful, but this is not anything to be concerned with for SEO purposes.


A subdomain within the main domain. For instance, is a subdomain of


We are organizing and categorizing a website to improve content discovery and assist visitors with desired on-site activities.

Time on Page

An imprecise estimate of the amount of time a person spent on a single website. High-exit-rate pages will significantly skew this info.

Title Tag

An HTML meta tag that serves as the page’s title. Typically, the title tag is the title shown by search engines as they view search results, and as such, it should contain strategic and essential keywords on the particular page. Additionally, the title tag can be written to make sense to the reader and draws the most clicks. Generally, title tags can be no more than 65 characters in length.

Top-Level Domain (TLD)

The suffix of a domain address. This includes the
Additionally, there are several market- and country-specific solutions.
Additionally referred to as gTLD (Generic Top-Level Domain) and Domain Extension.


The individuals (and sometimes bots) that visit your website.


Generally refers to a domain’s past (e.g., whether it cites or features expert sources, builds a positive reputation, adheres to Webmaster Guidelines).

Trust Rank

A connection review methodology is used to distinguish between legitimate “seed sites” and webspam.

User-Generated Content (UGC)

For example, every kind of content made by users or consumers – videos, blog posts, tweets, and feedback.

Universal Search

When search engines combine data from several specialized sources to create a single SERP, results can include photographs, videos, news, and shopping.
Additionally referred to as Blended Quest.

Unnatural Link

Any ties that Google flags as dubious, misleading, or manipulative. A relation that is not normal may result in Google taking manual action against your website.


A uniform resource locator (URL) is a unique string of characters that points to a web resource. The word URL is often used interchangeably for the letter-based domain address (e.g., that is typed into a browser to navigate a webpage.


How easy it is for users to use the website. The architecture of your platform, browser stability, disability improvements, and other aspects contribute to its usefulness and accessibility for the broadest possible audience.

User Agent

Software for web crawling.

User Experience (UX)

The cumulative impression consumers have of a company, its web presence, and its products/services after engaging with it.

Vertical Search

A specialized form of quest in which the focus is solely on a particular subject, type of content, or media type. YouTube (video), Amazon (shopping), Kayak (travel), and Yelp are only a few examples (business reviews).

Virtual Assistant

A bot that performs tasks such as web searches by using natural language processing. As an example, consider Apple’s Siri or Microsoft’s Cortana.


The popularity and placement of a website in organic search results.

Voice Search

A category of voice-activated technology that enables users to ask questions or perform online searches by speaking through a device (typically a smartphone).


A text that resides on the World Wide Web and is viewable by web browsers.


A list of web pages that are all housed on the same server on the World Wide Web.

Website Navigation

How a website links the pages to assist users in navigating the site. Website navigation can take many forms, including the following:
The primary navigation contains the primary topics or subjects on which the website is based. For example, our Main Navigation on Digital Vishnu is comprised of SEO, News, PPC, Content, and Social.

Secondary Navigation: This section contains topics that are related to the primary navigation. For example, Digital Vishnu’s secondary navigation includes links to webinars, podcasts, guides, and the Digital Vishnu Summit.

Footer Navigation: This section usually contains links to pages that provide critical details about a brand or company. These pages are typically irrelevant for rating purposes. Digital Vishnu’s footer navigation, for example, includes access to our About Us website, privacy statement, and numerous social media accounts.
This section is usually located on the right rail or underneath the material. It could be titled “Most Read,” “Most Famous,” or “Trending Now.”

Content Links: Hypertext links contained within your primary content (e.g., articles, landing pages).
Breadcrumb Navigation: This style is becoming less common. Essentially, each website displays a “trail” to assist travelers in rapidly determining their location on your site. For instance: Homepage > Search Engine Optimization > Link Building > What Is Website Navigation?
Additionally referred to as Site Architecture, Internal Links (or Internal Linking).


Some techniques exist purely to mislead or manipulate search engine algorithms and users.
Additionally referred to as black hat SEO, spam, spamdexing, and search spam.

White Hat

Techniques that adhere to Google’s Webmaster Guidelines

Word Count

The cumulative number of words in the material copy. Insufficient (or thin) content may be interpreted as a signal of poor quality by search engines.


A common platform for blogging and content management.


Markup That Is Extensible Language is a scripting language that search engines use to decipher the details on websites.

XML Sitemap

A comprehensive list of all the sites on a website that search engines may be aware of.


Yahoo was established in April 1994 and was a massively popular search engine and portal in the 1990s. Humans mostly drove yahoo search until June 2000, when a then-unknown search engine called Google took over as the primary source of Yahoo’s organic search results. This arrangement remained in place until 2004 when Yahoo began using its search technologies. Since 2010, Yahoo has used Microsoft’s Bing search engine to fuel its organic search results.


Yandex, Russia’s most popular search engine, was created on September 23, 1997, by Arkady Volozh and Ilya Segalovich.

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